Very easy to use and precise.
Thrilled with my Studio Edition Steak Locker! Easy setup, precise controls, and perfect aging every time. It's a sleek addition to my kitchen and delivers exceptional results. I will want the wifi con...
NOTE: This is a LARGE muscle and is typically sought after by customers interested on dry aging beef.
If you are looking to dry age a striploin at home, this is the go-to piece. Do note that it is BONE-IN so you will need a band saw to cut it (it isn't that hard and it's a nice workout).
While some will recommend a 3x2 striploin (much larger) we find that a 3x2 will require much more dry aging time to get any sort of flavor penetration.. and the yield is not the best.
The difference between this striploin and our regular whole striploin is that the typical striploin wil have a 1″ tail fat across the rib-end of the loin while this 1x1 has a 1″ tail fat across the entire loin... this is IDEAL for dry aging as fat and bone will protect the beef.
Our USDA Prime Striploins are the best Angus beef has to offer. This means you will always get beef with abundant marbling, grade "A' maturity and it is sourced specifically from a couple specific farms in the MidWest.
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